Industrial Press Secrets of 5-Axis Machining - 3375-1


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Secrets of 5-Axis Machining

ISBN: 9780831133757

"This book explains 5-axis machining in simple terms most people in the field will appreciate and quickly understand. The colorful graphics are nothing short of amazing and generously sprinkled throughout the book with incredible detail. Dozens of machining applications are illustrated and explained while taking much of the fear out of driving these complex machine tools. Anyone associated with 5-axis machine tools has much to gain by reading this book."

Mark Summers, President CNC Software Inc.

Up to now, the best way to get information on 5-axis machining has been by talking to experienced peers in the industry, in hopes that they will share what they learned. Visiting industrial tradeshows and talking to machine tool and Cad/Cam vendors is another option, only these people will all give you their point of view and will undoubtedly promote their machine or solution.

This unbiased, no-nonsense, to-the-point description of 5-axis machining presents information that was gathered during the author's 30 years of hands-on experience in the manufacturing industry, bridging countries and continents, multiple languages - both human and G-Code. As the only book of its kind, Secrets of 5-Axis Machining will demystify the subject and bring it within the reach of anyone who is interested in using this technology to its full potential, and is not specific to one particular CAD/CAM system. It is sure to empower readers to confidently enter this field, and by doing so, become better equipped to compete in the global market.

2008, by Karlo Apro

Industrial Press Secrets of 5-Axis Machining